by: Ignacio Suay Mas
In general terms, functional programming is a programming paradigm, and it's about programming with functions how FP is different from other paradigms?
Functional programs contain no assignment statements , so variables, once given a value, never change. More generally, functional programs contain no side effects at all. A function call can have no effect other than to compute its result.
Since expressions can be evaluated at any time, one can freely replace variables by their values and viceversa - that is, programs are "referentially transparent".
John Hughes, "Why Functional Programming Matters"
What does it mean that in FP there are no side effects?
This is in theory, but if a program doesn't have an observable result, it won't be very useful.
The idea is that the interaction with the outside world won't occur in the middle of a computation, but only when you start or finish the computation.
Is this code functional?
public static int div(int a, int b) {"divide {} / {} ", a, b)
return a / b;
A method can be functional if it respects the requirements of a pure function:
Function<Integer, Integer> add10 = x -> x + 10;
add10.apply(20) //30
How can we handle functions with multiple arguments?
There are 2 options to handle more than one argument:
Currying is the fact of evaluating function arguments one by one, producing a new function with one argument less on each step.
Arguments can be applied one by one, each application of one argument returning a new function, except for the last one.
Let’s try to define a function for adding two integers.
Function<Integer, Function<Integer, Integer>> add = x -> y -> x + y;
add.apply(2).apply(3) //5
Currying is very useful when arguments of a function must be evaluated in different places. Using currying, one may evaluate one argument in some component, then pass the result to another component to evaluate another argument, and so on until all arguments are evaluated.
Function<Double, Function<Double, Double>> addTax
= tax -> price -> price + (price * tax);
Function addTax18 = addTax.apply(0.18)
Function<Integer, Function<Integer, Function<Integer, Integer>>> sum3Curried =
x -> y -> z -> x + y + z;
Java provides an interface called Function<T,R>
T - the type of the input to the function
R - the type of the result of the function
And this interface declare 4 methods: R apply(T t), Function andThen(Function after), Function compose(Function before), Function identity()
Function<Integer,Integer> duplicate = x -> x * 2
duplicate.apply(3) // 6
Before Java 8 we could sort a collection implementing a new Collector
List persons = PersonFixture.persons();
Collections.sort(persons, new Comparator<Person>() {
public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) {
return p1.getAge() - p2.getAge();
But how do we do multiple sortings? for instance how do we sort persons by age and then by name?
In Java 8 we could lambda expressions instead of the new collector and also we can reverse and/or concatenate the sorting
We could add elements to a list using the following code:
List personOlderThan30 = new ArrayList<>();
.filter(p -> p.getAge() > 30)
List personOlderThan30 = persons().stream()
.filter(p -> p.getAge() > 30)
Both snippets will produce the same result, but we could run the second version in parallel!
You can create a new collector by passing to the collect function 3 parameters:
List personOlderThan30 = persons().stream()
.filter(p -> p.getAge() > 30)
.collect(ArrayList::new, ArrayList::add, ArrayList::addAll);
JSONArray personOlderThan30 = persons().stream()
.filter(p -> p.getAge() > 30)
.collect(JSONArray::new, JSONArray::put, JSONArray::put);
Before Java 8 in order to group a list of objects by one attribute you had to something similar to the following code:
Map<Integer, List<Person>> hashMap = new HashMap<>();
List<Person> persons = persons();
for(Person person : persons) {
if (!hashMap.containsKey(person.getAge())) {
List<Person> list = new ArrayList<>();
hashMap.put(person.getAge(), list);
} else {
Java 8 introduced a new collectio for grouping by an attribute
Also you can use mapping to just return a map of your object
Map<Integer, List<Person>> personOlderThan30 = persons().stream()
.filter(p -> p.getAge() > 30)
// {50=[Person(age=50, name=Mary)],
// 31=[Person(age=31, name=Simon), Person(age=31, name=Matt)]}
Map<Integer, List<String>> personOlderThan30 = persons().stream()
.filter(p -> p.getAge() > 30)
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Person::getAge, mapping(Person::getName, toList())));
// {50=[Mary], 31=[Simon, Matt]}
public class Test{
public void main (String[] args) throws IOException {
Function<String, String> readLine = path ->
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path)).readLine();
If the file log.txt exists, what is the result when you execute this program?
When we have to handle exceptions in FP we have different options:
One option is to wrap the code in a try and catch and handle the exception
Stream.of("/usr", "/tmp")
.map(path -> {
try (BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(path)))){
return bufferedReader.readLine();
} catch (Exception e) {
return e.getMessage();
Another possible solution is to wrap the checked exception and throw a Runtime Exception
Stream.of("log.txt", "NoExist.txt")
.map(path -> {
try (BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(path)))){
return bufferedReader.readLine();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("File doesn't exist");
"Try": represents a computation that may either result in an exception, or return a successfully computed value. Instances of Try, are either an instance of Success or Failure. It is similar to @SneakyThrows in lombok.
Stream.of("log.txt", "NoExist.txt")
.map(path ->
Try.of(() -> new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path)).readLine())
.getOrElse(() -> "File doesn't exist"))
Stream.of("log.txt", "NoExist.txt")
.map(path ->
Try.of(() -> new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path)).readLine()))
.forEach(tryLine -> System.out.println(tryLine.get()));
In vavr, if you need a function which throws a checked exception you can use CheckedFunction1, CheckedFunction2 and so on
CheckedFunction1<String, String> line = path ->
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path)).readLine();
Because the file doesn't exist the previous code will throw a at Runtime.
Either: Represents a value of two possible types.
By convention the right is the right value
Stream.of("log.txt", "NoExist.txt")
private Either <Throwable, String> eitherLineOrException(String path) {
return Try.of(() ->
new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path)).readLine()).toEither();
Only if you are interested in processing the exception, and getting all the information from the exception you should use Either
If you are only interested in propagating the exception then use CheckedFunction and you have to define your own function (not in a map)
In most of the cases, specially if you are just interested in propagating the exception you should use Try. Also try allows you to recover from any error
Vavr is an object-functional language extension to Java 8, which aims to reduce the lines of code and increase code quality. It provides persistent collections, functional abstractions for error handling, concurrent programming, pattern matching and much more.
Vavr fuses the power of object-oriented programming with the elegance and robustness of functional programming. The most interesting part is a feature-rich, persistent collection library that smoothly integrates with Java's standard collections.
Because Vavr does not depend on any libraries (other than the JVM) you can easily add it as standalone .jar to your classpath.
Vavr provide a set of tools that makes it easier to use a functional approach by provinding:
In the current Java collections api methods like add, clear, remove aims us to mutate the list.
Vavr has desgined an all-new immutable and persistent collection library which meets the requirements of functional programming
A persistent data structure is a data structure that always preserves the previous version of itself when it is modified. Such data structures are effectively immutable, as their operations do not (visibly) update the structure in-place, but instead always yield a new updated structure.
A Tuple combines a fixed number of elements together so that they can be passed around as a whole. Unlike an array or list, a tuple can hold objects with different types, but they are also immutable.
Vavr has a collection of Tuple1, Tuple2... Tuple8
Tuple2<Integer, String> tuple = Tuple.of(1, "a");
assert tuple._1 == 1;
assert tuple._2 == "a";
Tuple2<Integer, String> tuple2 = -> k + 1, v -> v);
assert tuple2._1 == 2;
assert tuple2._2 == "a";
String apply = tuple.apply((k, v) -> k + v);
assert apply.equals("1a");
Java 8 just provides a Function which accepts one parameter and a BiFunction which accepts two parameters.
Vavr provides functions up to a limit of 8 parameters. The functional interfaces are of called Function0, Function1, Function2, Function3 and so on.
Function3 <Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer> sum3 =(x, y, z) -> x + y + z;
Remember: Currying is the fact of evaluating function arguments one by one, producing a new function with one argument less on each step.
Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer> sum = (x, y) -> x + y;
Function1<Integer, Function1<Integer, Integer>> sumCurried = sum.curried();
Function1<Integer, Integer> sum10 = sumCurried.apply(10);
assert sum10.apply(5) == 15;
You can lift a partial function into a total function that returns an Option result
A partial function works properly only for some input values but not for all values
Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer> divide = (a, b) -> a / b;
Function2<Integer, Integer, Option<Integer>> safeDivide =
assert Option.of(2).equals(safeDivide.apply(8, 4));
assert Option.none().equals(safeDivide.apply(8, 0));
Memoization is a form of caching. A memoized function executes only once and then returns the result from a cache.
Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer> sum = (x, y) -> x + y;
Function2<Integer, Integer, Integer> sumMemoized = sum.memoized();
assert sumMemoized.apply(2).apply(3) == 5;
assert sumMemoized.apply(2).apply(3) == 5;
//Don't use it when you expect different values:
Function0<Double> randomMemoized= Function0.of(Math::random).memoized();
Double random1 = randomMemoized.apply();
Double random2 = randomMemoized.apply();
assert random1 == random2;
Functional programming is all about values and transformation of values using functions
A value extends Iterable and it is immutable
Option implements Serializable and Iterable
List<Optional<String>> optionalList = Arrays.asList(Optional.of("a"), Optional.empty(), Optional.of("c"));
List<String> listString =
List<Option<String>> optionList = List.of(Option.of("a"), Option.none(), Option.of("c"));
//["a"], [], ["c"]
List<String> listString = optionList.flatMap(x -> x);
//["a", "c"]
The Validation control facilitates accumulating errors. Similar to Either, it will contain on the left side the Error and on the right side the value.
A valid value is contained in a Validation.Valid instance, a list of validation errors is contained in a Validation.Invalid instance.
public class PersonValidator {
public Validation<Seq<String>, Person> validatePerson(String name, int age) {
return Validation.combine(validateName(name), validateAge(age))
private Validation<String, String> validateName(String name) {
return StringUtils.isAlpha(name)
? Validation.valid(name)
: Validation.invalid("Name must contain only Unicode letters");
private Validation<String, Integer> validateAge(int age) {
return age < 0 || age > 150
? Validation.invalid("Age must be between 0 and 150")
: Validation.valid(age);
public void testValidation(){
PersonValidator personValidator = new PersonValidator();
Validation<Seq<String>, Person> suay = personValidator.validatePerson("suay", 31);
assert suay.isValid();
assert suay.get().getName().equals("suay");
assert suay.get().getAge() == 31;
Validation<Seq<String>, Person> suayInvalid = personValidator.validatePerson("suay-invalid", 31);
assert !suayInvalid.isValid();
assert suayInvalid.getError().apply(0).equals("Name must contain only Unicode letters");
Validation<Seq<String>, Person> suayInvalid2 = personValidator.validatePerson("suay-invalid", 160);
assert !suayInvalid.isValid();
assert suayInvalid2.getError().apply(0).equals("Name must contain only Unicode letters");
assert suayInvalid2.getError().apply(1).equals("Age must be between 0 and 150");
Vavr introduced a new match API that is close to Scala’s match. The basic syntax is close to Java’s switch. Pattern matching is a great feature that saves us from writing stacks of if-then-else branches. It reduces the amount of code while focusing on the relevant parts.
Option option = Option.of(1);
String optionResult = Match(option).of(
Case($Some($(1)), () -> "is 1"),
Case($Some($()), () -> "has a value but it is not 1"),
Case($None(), () -> "empty")
assert optionResult.equals("is 1");
Validation suay = personValidator.validatePerson("suay", -1);
String validationResult = Match(suay).of(
Case($Valid($()), "valid"),
Case($Invalid($(List.of("Age must be between 0 and 150"))), "invalid age"),
Case($Invalid($()), "any other error")
assert validationResult.equals("invalid age");
Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing
the power of java 8 lambda expressions, by: Venkat
Functional Programming in Java: How
functional techniques improve your Java programs, by:
Pierre-Yves Saumont
Javaslang - Functional Java Done Right by Grzegorz Piwowarek:
A Pragmatist’s Guide to Functional Geekery by Michał Płachta:
Vavr documentation:
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